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tv   The Young Turks With Cenk Uygur  Current  October 2, 2012 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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anna coulter and kevin powell as well. good night. [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> cenk: welcome to "the young turks." we've got a great show for you tonight. what does mitt romney have in his back pocket for tomorrow night's debate? >> i tell you what, $10,000? $10,000 bet? >> i'm not in the betting business. >> cenk: yeah, that really didn't work out that well. i hope he has something better than that. i don't hope that but what i'll tell you is what would i do if i were romney if i was in those debates? i'll show you that in a bit. and then later in the program i'm calling afghanistan wars. >> i was expecting a phone call from josh, instead i got one from his father. it's heartbreaking. i just want to reach out to all of them as much as i can. >> cenk: i'm going to tell you why that war is over. not because we want if to be over, but now the generals, the
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people in power are basically saying no mas. i'll tell you all about that. do you remember this crazy interview with sean hannity. >> is there anything that you regret getting out the car that night? >> no, sir. >> cenk: wow, you know what? robert zimmerman, george zimmerman's brother in studio today to try to explain that, and defend his brother. oh that's going to be interesting. you don't want to miss a second of that. plus the elbow of the day plus the rage against the 1%. a hell of a show. it's go time. [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> cenk: now mitt romney is way down in the polls in swing states. i told you about that before. i even called the election. i think he's in huge, huge
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trouble. in tomorrow night's debate he needs a knockout punch. this is part of his problem the media loves to call everything even. find out if you analyze the substance, then you would be bias. that would not help mitt romney's cause any way. that would put him in bigger trouble. the last presidential debates, i love this fact. have you seen this? you probably saw it on "the young turks," and that's about it. the media, do you remember them saying, the declared winner is this guy. they said george bush was the winner of the al gore debate, wrong again, bob. eight out of the last nine presidential debates, gore-bush, bush-kerry obama-mccain won by the democrats. they were polled right after the debates the american people every single time. well eight out of nine, hey you know what, the democrat is the clear winner. so you never see that in the media.
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oh, my god, i got to be neutral so i'm going to ignore the facts and be neutral. i don't think that would help mitt romney's cause. god for bid if you looked at his promise, they're horrible. riddled with factual problems. so what in the world should mitt romney do? he's this far behind. he doesn't have the facts on his side. his programs sucks. his party is unpopular. let's do a fun exercise here. i'm going to tell what you i would do if i were romney. now, since mitt romney can't really defend his own position, his tax plan is a gigantic win for the rich. he doesn't care about 47% of the country, and the list goes on and on. i would go on the offense. how do you go on the offense against president obama? you can't attack him from the right wing position, because obama is center right any way.
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and you can't go further right or you would like crazy. i would attack him from the left. you say, mitt romney is not the progressive, you're right. who cares. the media is not going to call that out. if mitt romney did a full attack on president obama from a progressive perspective, that would actually work, and he would get to say i care about the middle class this guy obviously doesn't. how would he do it? let me show you the numbers, we have 8.1% unemployment. if you add in the 8.2 million under employed, and the 2.5 million people who say they would love a job but are discouraged and not looking any more you actually got 23 million people in this country who want a job and who can't get one. i say, president obama what did you do? you said you're for the middle class but that's 23 million people looking for a job and you didn't give them one. you may say that sounds fairly
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standard. let's get more into the numbers. i would go to the food stamp program. there are 46.7 million people on food stamps. that is up 46% since president obama took office. unlike the republicans, i wouldn't go out and say, you're the food stamp president. i would say, president obama i understand the food stamp program was growing under the former administration as well, but you didn't stop it. and you added more and more people to those rolls. not because you want them to be on food stamps, but because your economic policies fail. that's why they're on food stamps. you haven't done right by them. you say you're for the middle class. you say you're for the poor. actions speak louder than words. i would repeat that over and over again actions speak louder than words. i'll show you another mom. the poverty rate. in 2009 it was 14.3%. but keep in mind this is during the recovery. you can't blame this on bush.
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2010, the poverty rate is higher 15.1%. in 2011, 15%. 46 million people in this country are now suffering poverty. now you say wait a minute, now if the recession isn't necessarily president obama's fault but he has all these people in poverty, how does that work? because it went to the top 1%. but first let me give a sense of the middle class. median wages they've also gone down down 4.8%. since june of 2009. now $50,946. where did all the money go? and the economic recovery go? it went to the top 1%. in 2010 as we're recovering 93% of the recovery went to the top 1%. now, here's what i would thunder to the president if i was mitt romney. i would say listen, you say you're for the middle class, but
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look i just showed you the middle class went down under your watch. and you say you're not for the rich, but the rich went up under your watch. 93% of your recovery went to the top 1%. you say i'm for the rich, but look at the results. actions matter more than words and the results show that you are not for the middle class. you are for the rich. now you might say wait a minute. this is disingenuous. mitt romney is actually for the rich and i would agree with you. but if he did this line of attack, it would be far more effective, far more troublesome for the president than any weird right wing attack where he'll talk about all the nonsense that they throw out there whether its birtherrism or you play too much basketball as newt gringrich said, all that ugly stuff does not work. you got to go to the facts. but in order to do that, you got to attack him from the left. mitt romney savvy enough to do that? luckily, probably not.
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now, let me bring in michael shure, our epic political correspondent, michael. i see first of all let me get your thoughts on my line of attack. >> i don't agree. i don't agree for a variety of reasons. mitt romney, no matter what he does, if you were mitt romney, it would never work for you either. i'll never the war on upper class warfare. co-say the average middle class family got $36 million in tax breaks since i've been president. >> cenk: mr. president, their income went down 5%. it went down. >> the income, mr. romney, and don't talk to me like i'm your gardner. it went because down we were in a recovery and because we were in a recovery. >> cenk: is this the kind of recovery that americans have in store. >> as i said as president all the time, consistently, and i
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say it as candidate this is not an overnight fix. >> cenk: that's what you're saying, but the action. >> and the restored economy you know who is going to benefit first. >> cenk: actions speak louder than words mr. president. >> the action i'm showing you is 36 straight months, 37 straight months of job growth and $3,600 average. >> cenk: you give them tax cuts but it didn't work. >> is that what you want-- >> cenk: you say you're worried about my plan. i can say i got this problem with your plan and i got that problem with your plan. but we saw your plan for straight four years. and it didn't work. median income failed. isn't that true, mr. obama. >> what kind of finishing school did you go to governor? the idea here is that my plan did work. there are more people working than when i took office.
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there are more people who got tax breaks in the middle class. >> cenk: yeah, the rich. >> and are you listening? governor? in the middle class $3,600 average per family in the middle class, and we are in a continued wave of recovery. the people see it working. you haven't given us a plan either about what you're going to do. at least we know my plan and we know it's working. >> cenk: we do know your plan, and look, i like you. i would like to go to dinner with you and share a burger with you. >> i can't afford to eat there. >> cenk: the reality is not who is nicer we need a serious man for serious times and i think you have failed. >> i don't think i have, and i don't think the middle class will think that i have, governor. the other thing i would do, governor, i would go to the center and not talk from the left. i would go to the center because you have the luxury of doing whatever you want. >> cenk: that's what our conversation was supposed to be like. i don't agree with michael now
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breaking this random thing we just did. and look i don't think romney has the luxury of going to the center and playing it safe. he has got to attack. but if he does, he could fall flat on his face. if he does stupid zingers it could get ugly. tomorrow night we're going to have coverage here on current. vice president al gore will be here and i will be there as well. when we come back, i got to be honest with you i got good news. i believe that afghanistan war is going to quickly come to an end, quicker than 2014. >> we saw combat reminiscent of vietnam and even in some cases korea. it has resulted in high casualties for troops committed in those areas. >> cenk: and there is a lot of emotion around the trayvon martin and george zimmerman
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case. robert zimmerman we'll talk to him in a little while. >> a father and his son children and adults standing united and a classroom filled with students more of them gathering outside holding signs saying do we look suspicious?
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[ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> cenk: i got good news and i got bad news from afghanistan. first, the good news is we'll be leaving soon. the the bad news, it's a disaster. here's a report for you.
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>> explosives kill 14 including three n.a.t.o. members. while the nationalities of the troops have yet to be confirmed most of the troops are american. relations between international forces and afghan partners have been reached to a breaking point. >> cenk: indeed, but nonetheless that has never stopped warmonger john mccain. and he gave us this dribble. >> we're leaving and they're making the appropriate adjustments. he's consistently overridden the advice of recommendations of our military leaders, and the chickens are coming home to roost there. >> cenk: wait a minute chickens coming home to roost? are youare you malcolm x? reverend wright? you're saying that we deserved
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to be attack? he doesn't listen to his commanders, go to general john alan, the top commander in afghanistan and he's incredible about the attacks. watch. >> should americans brace themselves for more attacks? is this going to continue? >> it will. the enemy recognizes this is a vulnerableage. iraq, the signature weapon we hadn't seen before was the i.e.d. we had to adjust to that. here i think the signature attack that we're beginning to see is going to be the insider attack. >> cenk: you see that, senator mccain, they recognize it as vulnerability, and the commanders on the ground are saying we need to adjust. it's gotten really really bad and it's to the point that it appears a lot of commanders as i'm about to show you they think it might not be winnable. but no, john mccain, talk about victory to the end. >> this president keeps telling
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people that we're leaving. >> cenk: senator mccain, what on god's green earth are you talking about? what the hell is this? everyone in afghanistan lies and says senator mccain, usa, usa. they're not going to do that. russia tried it. alexander the great tried it, the british lied it, and they're not going to lie down. what on god's green earth are you talking about? look at the numbers here. we just reached 2,000 deaths in the afghanistan war. 17,644 u.s. service members were wounded in action. now, what will war in afghanistan? a minute of 20,000 civilians killed, this is an epic disaster. "abc news" has more on this.
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>> uneasiness is part of the mission until the last american troops leave afghanistan in in 2014. >> the sound of a little test fire catches everyone's ear. hardened warriors on edge over those insider attacks. >> cenk: and they are not alone. now, the n.a.t.o. secretary general coming out, talking about how we might have to leave quicker than expected. that's really interesting. quote, you may see adaptation of our presence, our troops can redeploy, take on other tasks or even withdraw, or we can reduce the number of foreign troops. that is huge! that is now the n.a.t.o. secretary general saying, hey we got to get out of here. this is not working. he adds on top of it, quote from now until the end of 2014--remember that's when
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we're supposed to do the withdraw--we'll see announcements of redeploys withdraws and drawdown. he adds, if a security situation allows, i would not exclude the possibility that in certain areas you could accelerate the process. on top of that, he said, you have to look at the american commanders. for that we turn to general john alan, listen to what he said. >> can you explain why the sudden increase in these attacks? >> well, i'm mad at hell about them to be honest with you. it reverberates everywhere. we're willing to sacrifice a lot for this, but we're not willing to be murdered for it. >> cenk: you can see the frustration dripping from the words, whether it's the n.a.t.o. secretary of general or our top commander, they're basically saying we've had enough of these guys turning on us. it destroys morale, and it makes
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you realize what is, in fact, a reality. you're not going to get all of afghanistan to submit to you. for what reason do you want them to submit any way? we already killed bin laden. more than less than 50 al-qaida guys in afghanistan. what the hell are we doing there killing one another for no reason! now i've said that before. me saying that is not that relevant. "new york times" also reports we've given up on the idea that we were going to batter the taliban until they accept peace terms on our terms. that apparently is not going to happen. the most important thing is these commanders, these people in n.a.t.o. saying we might withdraw sooner than you realize because basically what they're telling you is obvious. this is not working. the good news comes out of the bad. we might be leaving afghanistan sooner than we thought, and that would be terrific.
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i shudder to think of a single life lost again in that ridiculous non-cause. when we come back george zimmerman, trayvon martin case, a lot of emotion in that case. robert zimmerman the brother of george zimmerman join us when we return from the break. >> i feel its god's plan, and for me to second guess it or judge it, um. >> is there anything that you might do differently in retrospect now that time has passed a little bit? >> cenk: and later we've got a lot of great guests for you. gary johnson head of the libertarian party. could he cost mitt romney the election it's a very interesting question. we'll talk to him as well later on "the young turks." >> stop! we need to balance the federal budget now or we're going to find ourselves without a country. you look like a bunch of zombies! [ ♪ music ♪ ]
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presidential debate. with unrivaled analysis and commentary. >> you're going to hear that used as a major talking point. (vo) the only network with real-time reaction straight from the campaigns and from viewers like you. >>now that's politically direct.
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[ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> cenk: on february 26th trayvon martin, a 17-year-old boy was shot and killed by george zimmerman. everyone agrees though those facts. they don't agree to any facts after that. in fact, there has been of course an outcry across the country. he was not arrested for 45 days,
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george zimmerman, and people were saying, hey listen, this looks like injustice to us. >> trayvon martin has become a national symbol of what many are calling the very real dangers effecting young black teens. >> from coast to coast thousands of high school students streaming out of schools today wearing hoodies. now the symbol of the trayvon martin tragedy. the shooting of one unarmed black teen morphing into debate and justice in america. >> cenk: george zimmerman, 45 days later was arrested and brought to court. there have been trial and tribulation on that count and he sat down with sean hannity. >> is there anything that you regret? do you regret getting out of the car following trayvon that night? >> no, sir. >> do you regret that you had a gun that night? >> no, sir. >> do you feel you would be here
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with that interview if you didn't have that gun. >> no, sir. >> you feel you would not be here? >> i feel it was god's plan, and for me to second guess it or judge it um. >> is there anything that you might do differently in receipt flowreceipt--retrospect now that time has passed. >> no, sir. >> now here here to explain that, and make a defense for his family, the brother of george zimmerman robert zimmerman. to many americans that's off-putting that he had no regrets. would you take that back if you could? >> i think george--first of all thank you for having me as representative of my entire family but george. george is a profoundly religious person. people who are religious, we grew up in the catholic tradition, they have a--they
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have a tendency to shy away from taking things back or suggesting other realities other than happened. it's in the religion-- >> i'm not sure every religious person would have reacted that way. do you think how people might have been upset when he saids i don't regret what happened. it's a terrible accident where a kid gets shot for no reason. >> i don't hear the same thing that you hear when i hear my brother talk about that. i hear he doesn't have regrets of how those things played out. george did say that, and you didn't play that, he wishes it would have happened some other way. he wishes there was some other thing he would have done or some other circumstance arise that is in that interview. >> let's go to c-7. this is part of the 9/11 tape where it could gone a different direction. you said he wishes it would have
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gone in a different direction. >> this guy looks like he's up to no good, he's on drugs or something. >> these. [ bleep ] always get away. >> are you following him? >> yeah. >> okay, we don't need you to do that. >> cenk: robert, can you see for a lot of americans they're thinking why is this guy following this guy and why does he have a gun and gee, how could it have gone down differently. it would have gone down differently if you didn't follow him and you didn't have a gun. >> it's easy to speculate when you're not there. george made the choice that he made. he was the only person there that survived. >> cenk: the 911 dispatcher was there in a sense saying do not follow him. that's a bad idea. >> right, and george agreed with that person and stopped following that cenk: really? it didn't appear that way. if he's following trayvon and they say don't follow him. he stops then what happens next in your view of things. >> in my view of events it doesn't matter.
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facts matter and evidence presented in court is what matters. that's what people, your viewers, instead of having something presented to them as facts should look at court record as fact. >> cenk: tell me what happened. >> in george's reenactment when george was under the new polygraph, and he said exactly what happened, the operator did tell him. right after that they asked him what is your name. he said my name is george. they said, we don't need you to do that. he said, okay. he said, what is your name, sir? he said george. he stopped following tra point. >> cenk: are you saying that tray ontrayvon, turned around and attacked the guy with the gun that he thought was following him? >> i'm saying that on that night i gave the recount that my brother gave to me. it's been consistent and the same account that george gave
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them. the first thing that trayvon martin did to george was break his nose. >> cenk: i'm trying to get you to understand if the shoes was on the other foot. if your brother was shot by another guy, and the guy had been following him all along and he has got a gun and he's calling 911 dispatch on him and then someone tells you i shot your brother dead after i followed him. but trust me in the moments you can't see he surprise-attacked me. would you believe that? >> in florida as opposed to virginia where i originally live, you wouldn't know that people have a gun. it's concealed. so you say he follows him and he has a gun. florida requires you to conceal the gun. and taking it out is called brandishing it. the gun was not exposeed until george attempted to save his life. when that gun was exposed george didn't show it to someone
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but he saved his life. >> cenk: you can see from trayvon's family perspective it's a weird thing to say that yeah, i followed the guy. yeah i had the gun but then i saved my life by jumping on top of him. let me put it to you a different way. can you see why there was an outcry to have him arrested? no one is saying what the jury should decide. i'm not saying that, and i don't think anybody in the trayvon martin family is saying that, it's. but to say in in the beginning george zimmerman does not have a background check but they check it on the victim. toxicology, they don't check it on the shooter but the victim. what an injustice. >> i can see two things. i can see there obviously has been in justice in the way blacks have been treated in our justice system. there is a perceived disparity. i can see that george when nobody knew anything about him used the word white to question
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his integrity. used the word white as if some how means that what you said is not actually what happened, and people who are white should apologize and earn their credibility. i don't think that race should be used anywhere, white black and asian. >> i didn't ask you about race. the racial points you make are interesting ones, but the kids on the ground, the guy who got shot, no matter what race he is, he's got a bullet hole in his chest. they checked to see whether he's guilty. the guy who did the shooting, they didn't do any checks. do you think that might seem like a gross injustice. >> it may seem like a gross injustice, what you're alleging, that a black kid had been treated in an unjust way opposed to the white man who shot him. that's not what happened. if those questions were raised in the beginning if there were questions raised about the police department or procedure they may be fair questions.
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but the questions directed to the city of sanford and how they do their job, those answers where not forthcoming by politicians, they cannot be directed to now george has to answer them or he's a racist or white man, they're not the same. >> cenk: it's not a matter of george being racist, it's a matter of-- >> it is a matter in why do you assume why the guy is dead is guilty. i got to move on to one critical thing. is it correct that you think there was a huge scuffle. george thought according to his account, your account that his life was in danger. is that what happened, a big scuffle? >> that's what i agreed to, yes there was an encounter that started with trayvon martin marking george's nose. whatever else happened after that will come out in court. what the viewers heard when they heard, according to what you put on the air coons.
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it's about george being a racist racist. your audience comments says he's racist and the story comes that that person is white. >> cenk: let me address it real quick. the concern is not as much about george than the authorities. why do the authorities make the assumption that they do. >> we can agree on that. >> cenk: but the scuffle you george himself, there is a scuffle, his nose is broken, pounding his head in the ground, and when they do the dna test there is almost none of george's dna on trayvon martin, and hardly any dna from trayvon on zimmerman. how could that be if there is this enormous scuffle. >> if i were a forensic expert, i could explain the dna but
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obviously i'm not a forensic scientist, and near are you. journalism is asking a person who is an expert how can that be. and someone more qualified could answer your question when it pertains to he evidence. but because he's my brother and his life is hanging on the line, i won't comment about evidence. >> cenk: we've had scientific experts, former detectives here on the show. you were here, so i wanted to give a chance to explain it. now that you're here, i got to ask you one last question. forget george. do you regret what happened? do you wish george had not been out that night especially with a gun. >> my brother always goes out with a gun. like many people in the state of florida. the gun is concealed. it's a human story. at the end of it i wish no one had died. i can't regret by proximategy any of george's actions because
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i wasn't there. do i wish george had never gone to target? i wish he had never gone to target. but i don't have that power. we'll let the courts decide based on evidence what happened. >> cenk: thank you for joining us on "the young turks." >> thank you for having me, cenk. >> cenk: when we come back, the entitled rich, they're a fascinating set. wait until you find out who might be mitt romney's treasure secretary, and what he thought he was entitled to. >> why is it always assumed that somebody doesn't succeed because he can't as opposed he doesn't want to or-- >> cenk: and of course, later in the program as always, the elbow of the day, who is getting? who is delivering it? guess on @tyt turks.
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>> it's go time. (vo) at the only online forum with a direct line to cenk uygur.
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>>if you had to vote for a republican, which one would it be? (vo) join the debate now. [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> cenk: sam zell is a billionaire, private equity manager. he bought the company and bankrupt them in a year. this genius goes on mnbc quack box. >> the reality is the whole focus has been on how the quote, 1 percenters, or the top earns have move ahead of everybody. i wonder if there is anchoralation while they were moving ahead,s the rest of the government was subsidizing more and more people.
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why is it always assumeed why somebody doesn't succeed because they can't or doesn't want to. >> cenk: interesting. he seems to indicate, well, that the government is subsidizing the for a. he's taking the incentive away. the bottom 60%, what are the tax breaks they get? they got 20% of the tax breaks. so you know they're 60% of the country but they only got 20% of the tax breaks. let's look at where sam zell is, they got 24% of the tax breaks. they got more tax breaks than the bottom 60%. what do they do? they say, can you believe what the bottom is getting in terms of tax breaks from the government is subsidizing their way of life. no they're subsidizing your way of life. >> the world is not a zero-sum
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game. if i succeed, it doesn't mean that you don't. i succeed because i'm driven, and i take the risks and deal with it. >> cenk: well, of course if you don't succeed and you drive the tribune company into bankruptcy, and you do it all on your own? you run an s-corporation which means you don't pay the same taxes as a regular corporation. look at that, you save $1.8 billion. you might say there is a good reason for a s-corporation but you got a $1.8 billion tax break. so don't tell me how the government didn't help you. now, to the idea well, this is not a zero-sum game. we're not taking from the middle class? let's show you a chart of productivity and percentage of income. productivity is the green line. you can see it's rising above the blue line. what is the blue line? the average overall wages. so you're very productive, but
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did you get the wages? no, the red line. let's take a look, oh, yeah, the top 1%. the top 1% took that productive productivity. let me tell you something, do you know right now the average income is about $50,000? if we had stayed and gotten the productivity that we actually produce as workers in america the average income instead of going to the 1% had gone to the rest of us would have been $92,000. can you imagine if the average american was making $92,000 a year? as they should have based on their productivity. finally let me show you the other chart here. this is called the genie coefficient. it shows you if you can go up or not in society, whether you can move into that top 1%. i'll simplify it for you. the european country the people that sam zell makes fun of, as he did in that interview are best in terms of moving people into that top bracket, the best
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equality. the most inequality? the united states of america is off the charts. after all that--let me show you something about corporate welfare. social welfare $59 billion. corporate welfare $92 billion. this is who is getting the welfare. after all that john theyne may be the treasure secretary. he ran merrill lynch into the ground. he asked for $10 million in a buy newsbonus after a bankrupt. they lost over $11 billion. you lose $11.67 billion, and then you ask for a $10 million bonus? that's the entitlement complex that the top percent have, and mitt romney, you're putting that guy in charge of treasury?
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they have no bounds of reason. when we come back, gary johnson libertarian candidate for president. >> time is running out. will you choose to pull yourself out of thedomly mindset. this november, don't throw your vote away supporting the status quo. vote libertarian. >>i jump out of my skin at people when i'm upset. do you share the sense of outrage that they're doing this, this corruption based on corruption based on corruption. >>i think that's an understatement, eliot. u>> i'm not prone tot. understatement, so explain to me why that is. i think the mob learned from wall st., not vice versa.
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[ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> cenk: gary johnson, the former governor of new mexico is also the presidential caped for the libertarian party. he joins us now.
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governor johnson, thank you for joining us. we appreciate it. >> great to be with you, thank you. >> cenk: no problem. let's get to it. the debates are tomorrow night. they start tomorrow night. if you were in the debate, how do you think you would change the term of that debate? >> well, i'd be the only candidate on stage that doesn't want to bomb iran. i would be the only candidate on stage who wants to get out of afghanistan tomorrow, bring the troops home. i would be the only candidate on stage advocating for marriage equality believing that it's constitutionelly guaranteed and the only candidate who wants to end the drug wars and legalize marijuana now. the only candidate on stage who would repeal the patriot act. i never would have signed the defense authorization act and the only candidate on stage who wants to balance the federal budget tomorrow, believing unless we balance the federal budget we find ourselves in a monetary collapse. then lastly, jobs. let's eliminate income tax corporate tax, abolish the irs
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and replace all of that with one federal consumption tax. i'm embracing the fair tax. i think it's really the answer when it comes to american jobs. in a zero corporate tax rate, it would create millions of jobs. >> cenk: you were doing so well to the end. [ laughing ] >> cenk: really, really, we'll get to the massive disagreement in a second. but 80% of what you said in the beginning is so much more progressive than a democratic candidate, it makes you wonder if there is something wrong with our system? you're a funny person to ask because you're running on the libertarian party but are you surprised that the democratic candidate is so far to the right of you on so many issues? >> well, the fact that i'm more liberal than obama on many issues, and i'm a lot more
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conservative than romney on a whole bunch of issues. dollars and cents on the republican side and social issues on the democrat side in. >> cenk: what happened to the democratic party when the libertarians are so much more liberal on 80% of the issues. >> i what happened to the republican party that they can't balance the budget for 28 years with growth built in the budget? if any one of these guys win we'll be in a continued state of war. we'll continue with military interventions that i argue has us with hundreds of millions of enemies to this country but for these military interventions wouldn't exist. and the deficit will continue to grow, and i suggest we'll have continue to have unsustainable debt and spending. >> cenk: let's go to the point of disagreement. i want to balance the budget, but i want to do it fairly, far more fairly than what president obama is suggesting, but i would
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increase taxes. i would agree with you in taking away the nonsense wars and, etc. how are you going to balance the budget by lowering taxes? come on, the math doesn't add up. >> cenk, the fair tax is revenue neutral. i'm not talking about raising taxes or lowering taxes but cutting spending. that's something that needs to start with medicaid, medicare and military spending. you got obama and romney debating who is going to spend more money on medicare when we need to have a raging debate and discussion in this country on how we slash medicare spending or we find ourselves with no healthcare for those over 65. that's the alternative. the monetary collapse--excuse me quickly. a monetary collapse when the dollars we have in our pocket don't buy a thing because of the inflation that is going to go along with borrowing and
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printing money to the tune of 43 of every dollar. >> cenk: ron paul seems to be saying the same thing do you but you haven't been able to capture them-- >> that's not the case. your ron paul supporter, i'm saying the same things as ron paul. i ran for the republican nomination. i thought it would be really hard to marginalize two people on stage saying the same thing ron paul and myself. i didn't find myself marginalized. i found myself down-right excluded while ron paul was marginalized. >> cenk: thank you so much for joining us. >> cenk, thank you much. >> cenk: all right running for president for the libertarian party. when we come back, the elbow of the day.
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>> cenk: michele bachmann is one of the darlings of the right wing. she ran for president. she was leading for awhile. so obviously she's got her own race locked up, right? wrong. turns out 48% 46% jim graham is closing on her. that's within margin of error. there is some chance she will lose. she goes to chicago to do some fund-raising. she happens to stop by a synagogue. when she does, she is not well received. one of the guys who has been
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there for 25 years at the synagogue, gary, says this. i love this. he says michele bachmann's at imette. unholy person being in my synagogue. i made a contribution to jim graves. in fact, when asked graves' campaign about this, they say a tribune reporter tells me graves' campaign had a 400% increase from chicago since tuesday. we built that! i love that. gary is awesome. he says look, this evil person comes into our church, i'm not going to stand for this. she's against everything we teach here. learning education science et cetera. all of a sudden, michele bachmann. oh no! i love it!
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